Monday, August 30, 2010

Week 6 - Symbols and Revolution

The Jesus revolution

“It has been said that Christianity has two great branches – Catholic and Protestant. Some are now saying that there are three branches – Catholic, Protestant, and Pentecostal.
Pentecostalism itself is not a denomination, but a rapidly growing religious phenomenon among all major sections of Christendom. Religious commentators are beginning to recognize it as the third force in the Christian world. Sometimes called "the Charismatic movement," it is no longer confined to the small Pentecostal groups as it once was. This activity is becoming quite widespread within the Catholic Church as well as the more conservative Protestant denominations. It can be identified by the experience of speaking in tongues (glossolalia). Interdenominational groups, like the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, are very active in spreading the "Pentecostal baptism of the Spirit." So many charismatic groups are springing up, especially in the youth generation, that this movement has been dubbed "the Jesus Revolution.
In Short the movement has said to:
1. Pentecostalism Lacks the Apostolic Emphasis on the Gospel of Christ
2. 2. The Pentecostal Movement Is Based on Subjective Experience Rather Than on the Objective Word of God
3. Pentecostalism is More Catholic Than Protestant
4. 4. Pentecostal Theology Degrades God Into a Popular Somebody.
5. 5. The Pentecostal Experience Lacks the New Testament Emphasis on Repentance, Faith, and Obedience
6. 6. Pentecostalism Represents Love (Agape) As an Emotional Experience”

Today with shopping centre’s, life centre’s, number one hits on the music charts and private colleges, the revolution has said to stack votes n Australian reality TV shows, had financial criticism and involvement with controversial organisations. The movement has been hugely popular within youth and has spread internationally.

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