Monday, August 23, 2010

Week 5 - Cause Symbol

Cause - Green Lungs

Aim - More green space in the city. Directed at people who live and work in the city.

Mission statement - We need people to think about nature and how they use it."

- Once you destroy green space, you destroy it forever
- There have been two previous attempts in Sydney to reintroduce green space, both of which have failed
- We want to use Sydney as a model, but the same thing could be applied to other cities in the world
- Something like Earth Hour, Embraced by all - powerful, meaningful. Could possibly be a yearly event
- We want a distinct name, image, distribution, it must be cheap or free and have a lasting effect
- We are arresting a trend - Plants on balconies and backyards
- Don't get too wrapped up in environmental issues, this is more about quality of life
- Target market is late 20's, and people who own property
- Think about sustainability in distribution
- The effect must be immediate, not over time (eg planting a tree)
- Don't let people think you're after money
- Chalk feet video
- Think about dress and theme
- How can we approach people in a different way?
- No standing and handing out pamphlets wearing tree costumes
- How can we collect measurable info? (Website, social networks?)
- Using multiple media
- How do we interact with real people?
- The symbol must represent the cause, not tell the whole story

Our chosen favourite

Draft versions for client approval

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